Kerem Dayı


During my time at Harvard, I got the opportunity to serve the CS and math community as a course assistant. I am grateful to have had the chance to help teach the following classes:

CS 121: Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science: Introductory course covering topics in theory of computation including circuits, turing machines, computability, complexity, reductions and randomized computations, taught by Boaz Barak.

Math 25b: Introduction to Theoretical Linear Algebra and Real Analysis II: A rigorous introduction to single and multi variable real analysis, metric space topology, and basic fourier analysis, taught by Wes Cain.

Math 25a Introduction to Theoretical Linear Algebra and Real Analysis II: A rigorous introduction to linear algebra based on the amazing book Linear Algebra Done Right, taught by Wes Cain.

ES 150: Introduction to Probability with Engineering Applications: Introduction to probability class covering fundamental probability concepts and their applications to engineering problems, taught by Yue M. Lu.